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  • Writer's pictureMargaret Fish

Land Art

For this project I wasn't quite sure where to start, but I knew I wanted to work with the weird spikey balls outside my fiancé's house. They're all over the yard but mostly underneath the trees near his driveway, and have spread into the driveway and its crack where it meets the road. So my first idea was to use them to make a radiating pattern.

Quite honestly I wasn't a fan of this, it felt somewhere between intention and random chaos... So I tried a different pattern with the same area/objects.

I quite like how this one turned out, leaving fresh cones (?) at the end of the radiations and trying to make it go from flat to fresh, flat being closest to the random pile in the crack.

I thought I wanted to do more with this crack, so I walked down the line and tried to make a single file line of the objects then added a few beside it to create a pattern.

I liked how the objects pile up further to the right and wish I'd added three to the right most layer of decoration beside the lines to add more visual weight as if it was increasing to that side. But overall it was nice to work with the material and find new ways to position them. Had I not been a dingus and worn black into the baking sun I would have played longer.

But because I am that dingus I moved to the shade. I found a couple sticks laying under the trees and wanted to do something with balancing them. But the dingus continues.

As you can see I had to prop them up a little to get the balancing act started. And it all kept falling. And in my frustration I took few pictures. But once I felt a little 'meh, 's alright' about it I decided to add another branch and a "cherry" on top.

Through this whole endeavor I realized that it is all a strange addition to my previous issues. I'm playing with dead things (if you think about it) and arranging their corpses into interesting or geometric or inorganic forms for mine and other's enjoyment.

I'm taking the corpses of the trees and propping them up against their living relatives, or putting amputated limbs up against a living tree for a cute picture.

At least that's how it feels.

The weird comb spikey ball things feel more like taking what could have been, what's accumulating along the cracks of my life and making art out of it. Art that has been resilient enough to withstand two cars driving over them and several walks across them thus far. But once the wind blows or the strays get to playing with them they will move, and go back to their cracks and holes they generally reside in.

Either way it was a nice exercise and I want to do it again with more time and less sun. Preferably.

Hope you enjoyed. Thanks for looking/reading

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