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  • Writer's pictureMargaret Fish

My Imaginary Friend

Going into this project I at first was only able to find a large cardboard like tube from my book cloth. However, I gave myself a few days to see what other options might present itself. Over the weekend I collected four toilet paper rolls (didn't think I'd find that many) and a paper towel roll. When I sat down to start the process I figured I would have more fun on the smaller scale, so here are the materials I gathered:

I had my tea, my markers, rolls, and tissue paper. I probably should have taken more in progress shots other than just at the half hour marks, as I only used an hour to complete this. I started out thinking I could make a face using the roll, cut a smile along the length and color the interior. But quickly I realized I could make the one roll a space to insert a figure. Here are my midway shots:

My little friend was made using a cut up roll, tissue paper and marker/pen and her enclosure was a mixture of marker and tissue paper/elmers glue collage. My final shots:

I added book thread to the top and bottom of the enclosure (in blue and purple) and some pink to the opening to make her seem more "caged."

I'm not sure what she represents other than maybe being trapped in a cycle of feminine ideals? The daintiness of the tissue paper, it also being tissue paper linking to the "oh girls cry a lot," the thread for the idea that since I'm a woman I need to learn to sew (even though my fiancé is just as capable and I only learned because it was something to do and a way to help my family during the pandemic), and the bright pastels being that dainty feminine style I've never been fond of. I'm much to large and in charge to pull of pastels like that and I don't have to.

Ok I guess I do have an idea for what it all means. Other than the smile. I just like adding creepy smiles to things :)

Thank you for checking her out and reading my thoughts.

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