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  • Writer's pictureMargaret Fish

My Work Space

In Bristow I have a small area set aside for classwork and artmaking. Here's the top of the desk after class:

Please excuse the bedding next to it, but here is where I do classwork, sew, and did my ceramics this past fall. Guess I should get an actual desk lamp, but this is one my mom didn't want anymore so I just used it. It's a 36x20 inch space which is great for course work, but leaves a little to be desired in the art department. Here's the underside of the desk:

This is where I keep my journals I'm selling on etsy (behind the yeti and large bottle of acetone), my embroidery floss and book making scraps are behind the clown jack-in-the-box, and below is my paper, book board, and cutting mat. Incase you're wondering, yes, that is a litterbox next to my desk. I have several cats and found this was the only place to put it in my room. Being next to where I sit everyday is helping me remember to keep it clean!

Above my workspace is a small shelf:

I keep my book thread/sewing thread here and the bin is currently messily housing my other book arts supplies. Extra board, small pieces of cloth, knives, awls, PVA, etc.

As for the rest of my art supplies I have a tackle box in my closet full of paint and paint brushes. But the rest are under my bed! :

One bin houses my non-traditional art supplies like tissue paper, hair dye, some empty pill bottles I'll one day use, and my print making supplies. The other contains my more traditional supplies like scrap booking paper, markers, colored pencils, graphite, charcoal, etc.

Another unphotographed addition is a large portfolio case type thing that is very broken behind a chair in my room. It has my large paper pads and scrap board from the back of large sketchbooks. Art has pretty much taken over my bedroom, but I wouldn't have it any other way. My walls are covered in art and my art supplies are in every nook and cranny. It's going to be interesting transitioning over to a new space come April and figuring out how to manage all my accumulated art supplies. But again, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Thank you for reading!

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